Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism Essay - 3070 Words

Vaccines have been used to prevent diseases for centuries, and have saved countless lives of children and adults. The smallpox vaccine was invented as early as 1796, and since then the use of vaccines has continued to protect us from countless life threatening diseases such as polio, measles, and pertussis. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2010) assures that vaccines are extensively tested by scientist to make sure they are effective and safe, and must receive the approval of the Food and Drug Administration before being used. â€Å"Perhaps the greatest success story in public health is the reduction of infectious diseases due to the use of vaccines† (CDC, 2010). Routine immunization has eliminated smallpox from the globe and†¦show more content†¦This led to the support of various unproven vaccine-autism theories by parents in both the UK and America. After findings of intestinal disease in children with autism, Wakefield claimed that separating the MM R into three different vaccinations would be safer. Since then, Wakefield’s research has been discredited, he was charged with serious professional misconduct by the General Medical Council for violating several ethical practices, and he was investigated for failing to disclose conflict of interest – a pending patent on a rival measles vaccine (Gross, 2009). Although false, many still believe wholeheartedly that vaccines are harmful. Wakefield’s Study In the 1998 article in the Lancet, Wakefield studied 12 children â€Å"who, after a period of apparent normality, lost acquired skills, including communication† (Wakefield, Murch, Anthony, Linnell, Casson, Malik, Berelowitz, Dhillon, Thomson, Harvey, Valentine, Davies, Walker-Smith,1998). All 12 children were reported to show behavioral symptoms after receiving the vaccination. After receiving the vaccination, the features associated with exposure collectively included fever/delirium, rash, self-injury, repetitive behavior, loss of self-help, convulsion, gaze avoidance, diarrhea, disinterest, lack of play, vomiting, and recurrent viral pneumonia. In 8 of the 12 children, the beginning of behavioral problems was linked to the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination by either the parents or by the child’sShow MoreRelatedVaccines And Autism : Do Vaccines Cause Autism?1231 Words   |  5 PagesPseudoscience? I. Vaccines Autism Do Vaccines cause Autism? II. Abstract Do vaccines cause autism is a question that has been bouncing around for over twenty years. The increase in the number of diagnosed cases of Autism Spectrum Disorder has increased significantly and due to the impact this has in people’s lives several studies have been done in an effort to determine the cause. 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She claims her son became autistic after being vaccinated, says he has seizures and developed symptoms of autism, she quote on quote said: â€Å" if you ask a parent of an autistic child if they want the measles or the autism, we will stand in line for the measles.† Although peopleRead MoreThe Mmr Vaccine Does Not Cause Autism873 Words   |  4 Pageschildren’s chance of getting autism. Studies have shown following the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine children become diagnosed with autism. Parents are risking bringing back diseases that before vaccinations killed and threatened the lives of many people. The MMR vaccine does not cause autism, because the doctor who published the first study about this theory has since lost his medical license, many more studies have prov en the correlation is a myth, and Autism Speaks, an autism advocacy organizationRead MoreAutism Is A Neurodevelopmental Disorder962 Words   |  4 PagesAutism is a neurodevelopmental disorder. 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People with autism may communicate, interact

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